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en·hance (past and past participle en·hanced, present participle en·hanc·ing, 3rd person present singular en·hanc·es) transitive verb Definition: 1. improve: to improve or add to the strength, worth, beauty, or other desirable quality of something. 2. increase clarity of image: to increase the clarity, degree of detail, or another quality of an electronic image by using a computer program [13th century. < Anglo-Norman enhauncer pre·serve transitive verb (past and past participle pre·served, present participle pre·serv·ing, 3rd person present singular pre·serves) Definition: 1. make sure something lasts: to keep something protected from anything that would cause its current quality or condition to change or deteriorate or cause it to fall out of use. 2. maintain something: to keep up or maintain something [14th century. Via French< medieval Latin praeservare pro·tect (past and past participle pro·tect·ed, present participle pro·tect·ing, 3rd person present singular pro·tects) transitive verb Definition: keep somebody or something safe: to prevent somebody or something from being harmed or damaged. [15th century. < Latin protect-, past participle of protegere